Episode 55: Non-disclosure

This is an important episode of Something Positive for Positive People. We talk about not disclosing. In the posts about this episode, there have been mixed responses from anger and rage to understanding. This episodes offers a  a perspective we will never hear about in sex education, we're unlikely to hear from a partner in today's dating culture, and we will probably never hear this side of a story otherwise. Please be respectful in the comments about this episode. I'm not asking you to have an opinion, I'm asking you to respect this space as this platform is in fact dedicated to allow people to share their experiences despite how you may feel about them. 

We've already agreed to have Jewell back on after she finishes disclosing to past partners and once feedback from her circle is given on opening up about this challenging topic to discuss. I'd like this to remain a safe space for her to do so. Thank you in advance.

Don't forget to call 833-YAS-LOVE and let Dating Positives know what you're hoping for romantically this holiday season! It's anonymous, safe and most of all, FUN! It's exciting to play these voicemails in the podcast. Supporting sponsors and leaving reviews are two things you can do to support this podcast. Thank you!


Bonus Episode 006: Beauty in Openness


Episode 54: U Equals U and I'm Still Josh