Herpes Support for Men: Building a Stigma-Free Community Together

Courtney Brame, Herpes Stigma Education Advocate wearing a white hat advocating for reducing stigma wearing a purple shirt with a brick background

Think of this as the “locker room” for men with herpes

Living with herpes isn’t something we chose, but how we navigate it is. As men, we’re often told to keep our emotions locked up and just deal with it, or that we need to “talk about it” but what good is that? It doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re tired of carrying this weight alone, if you’re confused, I want to offer you an INTENTIONAL (not safe) space where we can connect, support each other, and move forward without the burden of stigma. In fact, we gone use herpes stigma to heal through some ish ya’ll. Trust me!

Let’s Connect as Men Living with Herpes
Join our group where we’ll work through the stigma together, in a way that makes sense for us as men. This is about creating a space that feels psychologically accessible and welcoming—where we can be real with each other. Starting in September, I’m launching a dedicated support group specifically for men living with herpes. This isn’t just a place to share your story and experiences; it’s a decompression chamber, or locker room where we can speak to the emotional challenges, minimize the mindfuck of stigma, and lift each other up.

What’s in It for You?

  • A Stigma-Free Zone: This is an intentional (again, not safe), private space where you can be

    yourself without fear of judgment. . . I can’t speak for everybody lol. Some of ya’ll need judgment,

    but not for being who you are or what you did, but for NOT being who you are.

  • Real Talk, Real Support: Connect with other men who understand what it’s like to live with

    herpes and who can offer support that’s grounded in shared experience.

  • Empowerment Through Brotherhood: We’ll discuss strategies to manage herpes stigma in a way that aligns with who we are as men, helping each other grow and thrive. I shouldn’t have to say this, but yes, all Men. If anyone has an issue with that, this isn’t the space for you. I want to see Black Men, White Men, Straight Men, Queer Men, Trans Men, If you’re a Man when Men are in the room, then you should be here. The only Men who may have an issue in this space are ones who don’t speak English . . . (because I don’t know other languages and I wanna learn) then this space is for you.

  • Flexible and Accessible: We’re gathering interest now to figure out the best times, dates, and formats that work for everyone. Whether you’re down for online meetings or prefer to meet in person, we’ll make it happen. So signing up is CRITICAL because I’m going to center the schedule around those who express interest now by signing up for email updates.

Ready to Join Us?

I’m collecting email addresses through August from those interested in joining. By signing up, you’ll be the first to know about our meeting schedule, topics, and more. This is your chance to help shape a support group that works for you. I’ve never tried this before so details are coming together as we go.

Let’s Do This Together

Sign up below to express your interest in joining our Herpes Support for Men group. Together, we’ll redefine what it means to live with herpes, and build a stigma-free space where we can support each other.

Sign Up to Join the Herpes Support for Men Group

By providing your email, you agree to receive updates and communication from SPFPP about this support group and other related content. Your privacy is important to us; your information will be kept confidential exclusively for and from SPFPP.