Episode 25 Part 1: Eliminating Assumptions - Better Support

Dale manages the social media pages dedicated to sex ed and the destigmitization of herpes. On Instagram, Dale is @_I_have_herpes_

We talk about Dale's experience being diagnosed after seeing someone who has HSV-1. They were aware and Dale was open to the risk. But are you really ever prepared to contract herpes? Do our non-H partners really understand the risks? Are we willing to put our partners at risk? Just a few things to think about when listening to this episode. Check it out.

Our stigmitization comes from a belief we had about herpes before we had herpes. I've said it before and I will keep saying it. When this becomes relevant to us, we become super researchers. We begin to understand what the virus is TO US. And what that teaches us is to take care of our bodies. In doing that, we're able to better take care of those around us. This 100% translates into all areas of our lives. Let's continue to take care of ourselves and understand what having herpes means to us so that we're able to become better educaters and create a new stigma that is more experience based.

I can be found on social media @CourtneyBrame

Please continue to review/comment/share/like/rate this podcast. The people finding it are being directed to resources helping them tremendously. Literally at 1pm central time today, someone on Reddit said they were diagnosed yesterday and found this show and that it helped them a lot. Thank you all!

Courtney Brame

Emotional Wellness Practitioner using podcasts as support resources for people struggling with herpes stigma and emotional wellness.


Episode 25 Part 2: Eliminating Assumptions - A New Sex Life


Episode 24: Lose Yourself Inside Yourself to Find Yourself