Episode 31: Who Will Love Me?

Our guest for this episode is Emily Depasse, 25 year old Yogi, lifter, model, blogger, paralegal and MSW/MEd Human Sexuality graduate student living with genital hsv-2. Upon diagnosis 2 1/2 years prior to this recording, Emily wondered who would love her as many of us do at some point upon our diagnosis. Her will to persevere was depleting, she felt alone and did what many of us do in this emotional state, turn to a distraction. In her case it was alcohol and supportive, yet unhealthy relationships with friends in order to cope.

As with any other episode, there are some things that'll resonate better with some than others. Bullet points below on the greatest takeaways.

- H Test: Blood test comes back negative, second test from affected area is positive

- Disclosing to friends as a means of support: You never forget that first disclosure

- Challenging beliefs about a person who has herpes and identifying it to ourselves

- Stigma mis-truths: Never says how common herpes is until you have it

- Disclosing on those forms for various services

- Being dumped on Snapchat (what a jerk)

- Support from someone who understands over someone who's 'qualified'

I also find it incredible that Emily is able to do all of these things despite the popular belief that once you contract herpes, your life is over. Facing some judgment from strangers is the least of one's concerns when you have things going on in your life you're committed to! I am grateful to Emily for creating space to share with us her unique experience and offering herself as an educational resource available for additional support.

If you want to reach Emily, check out any of the means below:

Blog: www.emilydepasse.com 

Twitter and Instagram: @SexELDucation

FB Blog page: https://www.facebook.com/eldsoul/

Smithsonian Article that says almost everyone has herpes citation: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/can-we-gene-edit-herpes-away-180968551/

Thank you for listening! If you haven't already, please leave us a review on whatever podcast app you're listening to us from letting us know what you like about this episode or the podcast in general. It could be as simple as the guest's voice or as complex as herpes is itself haha, I gotta stop.

I'm on social media @CourtneyBrame.

Stay Positive!

Courtney Brame

Emotional Wellness Practitioner using podcasts as support resources for people struggling with herpes stigma and emotional wellness.


Episode 32: Support is Closer Than You Think: Disclosing to a Friend


Episode 30: Rich Mancuso - Author of Asking for a Friend