Episode 78: Texas Wears Condoms

Texas Wears Condoms is a San Antonio based organization that ships 25 condoms per month to Texas residents for no cost. I had the pleasure of speaking with Ambie, the Community Outreach Specialist about her role and get more details about the organization.

www.texaswearscondoms.org is where you can go to place your order today! Nonprofit organizations such as this one add so much value to destigmatizing STIs by providing a safe space for people to get the resources they need for their sexual health. Please support them if you can by utilizing their service or volunteering to help with packaging and distribution. Call their Volunteer Services line at 210-743-5730 or visit www.universityhealthsystem.com for more opportunities.

There is also an anonymous Q&A with Ambie at www.tumblr.com/txwearscondoms 

The Patreon page is up if you'd like to financially support Something Positive for Positive People and that link is www.patreon.com/spfpp .

I'm on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr and Reddit @HonMyChest.

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Stay Sex Positive!

Courtney Brame

Emotional Wellness Practitioner using podcasts as support resources for people struggling with herpes stigma and emotional wellness.


Episode 79: Planned Parenthood - Rising Rates of Syphillis


Episode 77: Breaking HIV Stigma - an Inside Job