Episode 92: You Are Necessary

I asked SPFPP listeners if they experienced any of the following upon their herpes diagnosis; depression, suicide ideation, self-harm tendencies, attempted suicide. We had a rather large participation on this and 6% of listeners said they had in fact attempted suicide. This podcast episode is for you. This world would not be as it is in this moment without you. Please know that you are necessary. 

I'm working to get to STD Engage: http://www.ncsddc.org/std-engage-2019/ to present SPFPP to the people who can get this resource to people when they're diagnosed. That's my goal for this. You all answering this survey sharing how listening to this podcast has helped you has been a tremendous help and I gotta tell you I didn't see it doing all you say it has done for you.

I talk about this and make some small talk in this episode. I also don't edit this one because I choose to practice speaking better so that when it comes time to talk to these people and present to donors, I get better. I 'like' and 'umm' and don't use silence very well so please bear with me ya'll. Thank you for your patience and support.

Now this STD Engage event (if I'm approved) costs $550 to attend lol. So if you want to donate to help make that happen please send donations through www.spfpp.org. We take Venmo!!!

Stay Positive!

Courtney Brame

Emotional Wellness Practitioner using podcasts as support resources for people struggling with herpes stigma and emotional wellness.


Episode 93: Branching Into Human Connection


Episode 91: Body Positivity - Actions Challenge Beliefs