SPFPP Episode 159: Sprinting to Catch Up on What I Missed

After ending a long-term relationship with her first sexual partner, like many others, wanted to explore and see for themselves what else is out there that they could've been missing out on. It was soon after as she put it, playing 'catch up', that she received her genital HSV diagnosis.

We discuss her behavior change after her new diagnosis in being more aware of a partner's apprehension toward her when it came to sex as well.

I want to start leaving people with questions to ask themselves going into these podcast episodes just to challenge your perspective. This episode, our guest shares that she was in fact more concerned with how men would view her due to her identity being so intertwined with receiving validation from sexual partners. Ask yourself if you were to share your positive status or disclose something publicly about yourself no one knew, what outcome would you hope for and why?

How do you deal with partners' apprehension whether verbal or nonverbal towards you when it comes to sex after you've disclosed?

Courtney Brame

Emotional Wellness Practitioner using podcasts as support resources for people struggling with herpes stigma and emotional wellness.


SPFPP Episode 160: Disclosure Fatigue - Herpes and Diabetes


SPFPP Episode 158: Another Boring Ass Herpes Story