Welcome to the Something Positive for Positive People Podcast

The Something Positive for Positive People podcast is your go-to resource for minimizing the stigma associated with living with STDs/STIs, including herpes, HIV, and HPV. We believe in the power of open conversations, real stories, and expert insights to create a supportive community for everyone affected by these conditions.

What You'll Find Here:

  • Real Stories: Listen to personal experiences from individuals who have navigated life with an STD. Their journeys offer valuable lessons and inspiration.

  • Expert Insights: Gain knowledge from healthcare professionals, therapists, and relationship experts who provide advice on managing your health, relationships, and mental well-being.

  • Supportive Community: Connect with a community that understands your experiences. Share your story, ask questions, and find the support you need.

Key Topics Covered:

  • Dating with STDs: Tips and advice on how to disclose your status and build healthy relationships.

  • Mental Health: Strategies for coping with the emotional impact of an STD diagnosis.

  • Self-Care: Learn how to take care of your physical and emotional health.

  • Breaking the Stigma: Empowering discussions on how to challenge and overcome societal stigma.


How to Use Our Search Bar:

Looking for specific topics? Use our search bar to find episodes that cover the subjects most relevant to you. Simply type in keywords like "disclosure," "self-care," "mental health," or "relationship advice" to access episodes that offer the insights and support you need.

Join Our Community:

Our podcast isn't just about listening—it's about connecting. Join our community of listeners who are navigating similar experiences. Share your stories, ask questions, and find the support you need.

If you would like to be a guest on the podcast to share your dating, relationship,

and experience navigating stigma, please fill out the intake form below.

SPFPP 325: Discordant dating with herpes
Courtney Brame Courtney Brame

SPFPP 325: Discordant dating with herpes

In "Discordant Dating with Herpes," Episode 325 of Something Positive for Positive People, delve into the nuances of relationships where one partner is HSV positive. The episode highlights a 2021 survey finding that 62% of HSV-positive individuals have non-positive partners willing to engage sexually post-disclosure. Explore essential questions and considerations for navigating such relationships, aiming to foster openness and informed decision-making in the realm of dating with herpes. Join us as we break down stigma and enhance dialogue around discordant dating.

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SPFPP 224: Discordant Dating Series - But Aren't Cold Sores Still Herpes?
Courtney Brame Courtney Brame

SPFPP 224: Discordant Dating Series - But Aren't Cold Sores Still Herpes?

In Episode 224 of the SPFPP Podcast, we close out the Discordant Dating series with Jesse, who shares his journey with oral herpes. Jesse's extensive dialogue with his doctor reveals the importance of education in destigmatizing herpes. We explore the challenges of disclosing oral herpes compared to genital herpes and discuss the broader discomfort people have around sexual health conversations. Jesse's story highlights how prevalent stigma remains, even among those who have experienced herpes outbreaks themselves. This episode underscores the need for ongoing education and allyship, emphasizing that cold sores are indeed herpes. Tune in to hear Jesse's insights and learn how we can create a more informed and supportive community.

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SPFPP 223 Discordant Dating Series: Who's More Concerned About Transmission?
Courtney Brame Courtney Brame

SPFPP 223 Discordant Dating Series: Who's More Concerned About Transmission?

In Episode 223 of the SPFPP Podcast, part of the Discordant Dating series, we explore the perspective of Charles, who has dated a partner with herpes while testing negative himself. Many people fear being single forever after a herpes diagnosis, believing their only options are to be with someone who already has it or to remain alone. Charles challenges this notion, highlighting that relationships with someone who has herpes are not fundamentally different from those without. He emphasizes the importance of compatibility, communication, and understanding non-negotiables in relationships. This episode sheds light on the choices and thought processes involved in navigating a relationship where herpes is a factor, and the significance of trusting yourself and your partner. Tune in to gain valuable insights and break down the stigma surrounding herpes and relationships.

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SPFPP 222: Discordant Dating Series - Knowledge is Bliss
Courtney Brame Courtney Brame

SPFPP 222: Discordant Dating Series - Knowledge is Bliss

In Episode 222 of the SPFPP Podcast, part of the Discordant Dating series, we explore the perspective of Paul, who is symptom-free and in a relationship with someone who has herpes. At 51 years old, Paul brings wisdom from his lived experiences, emphasizing the value of knowledge and emotional intelligence in navigating relationships. He shares how his understanding of herpes and prioritizing vulnerability over transmission risk helped him move forward after his partner disclosed her HSV status.

Paul's story underscores the need to challenge the phrase "ignorance is bliss" and highlights how informed conversations about herpes can lead to healthier connections. We discuss the importance of aligning values in relationships, touching on compatibilities such as intelligence, emotional awareness, and mutual interests. Paul's experience of meeting his partner during the pandemic also brings a refreshing perspective on finding authentic connections beyond online dating.

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SPFPP 221: Discordant Dating Series - If You Want Different, You Gotta Do Different
Courtney Brame Courtney Brame

SPFPP 221: Discordant Dating Series - If You Want Different, You Gotta Do Different

In Episode 221 of the SPFPP Podcast, part of the Discordant Dating series, Anthony, a black man with experience dating multiple women who disclosed their positive herpes status, shares his insights. Anthony's perspective emphasizes the importance of maturity, education, and clarity in values when navigating relationships with HSV. He discusses how his partner's disclosure was intended to scare him off, but his unwavering understanding of what he wants in a partner helped him stand firm.

We delve into the importance of self-care and trust in relationships, exploring how these factors influence safety and decision-making. Anthony's story highlights the significance of being clear about your values and remaining integral to them, regardless of a partner's herpes status. This episode challenges listeners to consider if they are willing to do something different to achieve something they've never had before. It’s not just about herpes; it’s about being decisive and aligning with people who share your values and goals.

Tune in to hear Anthony's empowering perspective on dating, relationships, and the importance of staying true to yourself.

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SPFPP 220: Discordant Dating Series - Stigma Ends Where Allyship Begins
Courtney Brame Courtney Brame

SPFPP 220: Discordant Dating Series - Stigma Ends Where Allyship Begins

In Episode 220 of the SPFPP Podcast, part of the Discordant Dating series, Laura shares her unique perspective on dating someone with herpes while remaining symptom-free herself. For over a year, Laura has been in a non-monogamous relationship, and she opens up about how her partner’s confidence and communication skills positively influenced her decision to move forward. She emphasizes the importance of compatibility over the potential limitations herpes might pose.

Laura’s experience highlights the critical role of allyship in ending stigma. She discusses advocating for her health with her doctor, using resources from Dr. Evelin Dacker to successfully request a herpes test. This episode serves as a valuable resource for discordant couples and those learning about herpes stigma. Laura's story encourages confidence in those disclosing their positive status and promotes receptivity and allyship for those receiving such disclosures.

Tune in to learn how informed communication and a focus on compatibility can break down stigma and foster supportive relationships, regardless of STI status.

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SPFPP Episode 156: Avoidance isn't Letting Go
Courtney Brame Courtney Brame

SPFPP Episode 156: Avoidance isn't Letting Go

Avoidance isn’t letting go. The action of keeping away from or not doing something is avoidance. Letting go is a willingness to accept what is. This episode explores the dynamics in discordant relationships where one partner has herpes and the other doesn't. We dive into expectation setting, boundaries, and the difference between being with someone versus truly being with them.

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