SPFPP 203: Identity Care is Checking In VS Checking Out

I was attacked various times this episode and I am here for it. Our guest, Nina is a Sex Worker, Therapist, survivor of chronic pain and . . . You’ll hear the rest of their identities for yourself. We speak to the series on my Instagram (follow me @honmychest) this past week on taking daily antivirals or not taking daily antivirals. While that’s how the convo began, that is not how it continued. We tap into some dialogue around gender and challenging the binary not only in our behaviors but in our overall existence. Enjoy this episode and let me know what you think on Instagram or leave a review for us!

Courtney Brame

Emotional Wellness Practitioner using podcasts as support resources for people struggling with herpes stigma and emotional wellness.


SPFPP 205: Something Positively Positive for Positive People Managing Rejection


SPFPP 202: Avoiding Our Triggers and Identity Invalidation