SPFPP 202: Avoiding Our Triggers and Identity Invalidation

I wonder sometimes if I started this whole thing just to never have to deal with rejection related to my herpes diagnosis. Our triggers tend to call us in the direction of our healing. We can lean into that or avoid it, but either way, there is something worth exploring in our most intense emotional moments if we can just feel them and identify the first time we felt that so that we can identify the patterns. Oftentimes a trigger can be linked to identity invalidation. If we avoid this too long, it can possibly become an unconscious expression of who we are and cause our own suffering.

Courtney Brame

Emotional Wellness Practitioner using podcasts as support resources for people struggling with herpes stigma and emotional wellness.


SPFPP 203: Identity Care is Checking In VS Checking Out


SPFPP 201: Sexual Health is Mental Health - Identity Validation as Self Care