SPFPP Episode 166: Herpes Education - The Gateway to Sex Education
You see several social media pages that offer support to people diagnosed with herpes. They offer tips on disclosure, gaining confidence through self-acceptance, an example of living the life of your choice after your positive results. You don't just jump into that kind of thing. You seek education through a curiosity of what went wrong, how we failed, only to learn our sex ed just failed us.
Some quick takeaways from Jess here:
The most useful resource for navigating herpes comes from within the herpes community, while the worst are the health care providers diagnosing us with STIs consistently.
How is stigma so prevalent that your mom can be in the doctor's office with you when you're receiving an oral herpes diagnosis only for her later to say to you don't ever get herpes and then talk about how bad it is?
We talk of course about how sex ed failed us and how useful therapy is, and then we answer some questions from participants in the IG Live which was dope!
Thanks everyone for being here. I'll consistently record evenings at 7:30pm central time when I have a guest lined up. right now we have one scheduled for Thursday evening as well if you wanna join the next one.