SPFPP 350: Nonmonogamous Conversations Monogamous People need to have - part 2

In episode 350 of SPFPP, we continue our exploration into the lessons monogamous people can learn from nonmonogamy. Our guest delves into the challenges of being single within nonmonogamous relationships, finding value in solitude, and how these experiences provided insights that transformed her approach to monogamous relationships. She discusses the importance of intentionality, communication, and accountability in both relationship styles. We also explore how navigating nonmonogamy opened her eyes to the potential for deeper connections and emotional availability, even in multiple relationships. Tune in as we uncover how these nonmonogamous conversations can lead to healthier, more fulfilling monogamous connections.

Courtney Brame

Emotional Wellness Practitioner using podcasts as support resources for people struggling with herpes stigma and emotional wellness.


SPFPP 351: pleasure positivity - harm reduction at the intersection of safety and pleasure


SPFPP 349: Nonmonogamous conversations monogamous people need to have - Part 1